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Airport Parking Garage

     This parking garage has been a popular local skate spot for years. It’s located on Garden Road on the outskirts of Monterey just above the Monterey Airport. If you’re driving away from the airport on Garden, the parking garage is going to come up fairly quickly on your right side just before Henderson Way. You can take a right down Henderson and then take another right into the parking lot where you’ll find the large opening to a parking garage sitting underneath the “Great American Wineries” commercial building. You know you’ve found the right garage when you see the unmistakably waxed and shredded ledge right at its entrance. This ledge is a main highlight of the parking garage and is super smooth and fast. It starts small but gains elevation as the ground below it slopes making it like a small hubba in a sense. The parking garage also holds a variety of fun manuel pads, smooth ground, a 3 stair, and a couple more ledges. It can be decently busy inside the garage in the middle of the day, however it becomes practically empty in the evenings (the later the better) and you’ll be able to skate the garage to your heart's content without being kicked out. This garage is a perfect rainy day spot and is arguably one of the best parking garages to skate in the Peninsula. This garage is much more diverse and entertaining than the Underground Parking Lots in Carmel. If it’s raining or too dark to skate anywhere else, grab your board and head to this spot!


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