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Parking Garage Rooftop (Capped)


     The parking garage ledge is a legendary and relatively perfect skate spot (ledge recently skate stopped). Located on the almost always empty top level of the “Downtown East” parking garage sits what is roughly a 10 foot ledge that’s narrow enough to boardslide and grinds like a charm. The top level where the ledge sits can be accessed by either stairs from outside the garage, or by an elevator for you lazy kids. It’s a smooth, flat, open space that possesses a sidewalk in one section, and atop that sidewalk is the narrow ledge that drops right onto smooth concrete. It’s hard to put the potential and description of this spot into words, but it’s a must skate by any skater who ventures into Monterey and is very worth your time. If you’re driving, I wouldn’t recommend actually parking in the parking lot because one, you’ll have to pay, and two, there’s definitely no skateboarding allowed here and you’re pretty bound to get booted at some point. However, don’t let this scare you away. The no skateboarding signs and annoyed security guards are half the thrill of this spot itself. As soon as a security guard comes up the elevator, your parking garage hill bomb starts! It’s a spiral shaped ramp all the way to the bottom of the parking garage that spits you out into the safety of the streets, far from the chubby guard who’s still on the top level. Watch out for speed wobbles on the way down and enjoy this Monterey famous skate spot.

RATING: 7/10

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